10x Exponential – Workshop – DevFestDC 2016

Building 10x Solutions

Exclusive to DevFestDC – 2016 attendees only.

This Team Exponent workshop will take you through the Exponential Sprint and give you a first-hand experience on what’s like being a part of a high-impact team. The specially formulated design sprint will get you ideating and prototyping 10x solutions to some of the most difficult challenges facing humanity.
Please complete the Google Form below to apply for an invitation to join this workshop. Only apply after you have successfully registered for DevFestDC

Team Exponent, Inc. is an organization based in New York City, inspiring exponential thinking and education. We believe in the potential of 10x ideas and high-impact teams to help us solve our toughest challenges. @TeamExponent | TeamExponent.com

Katy Kasmai is the Founder of Team Exponent, building high-impact teams for 10x solutions, and a senior level Engineering PM at Google, Inc. She is passionate about 10x thinking, sustainability and the pursuit of change and innovation. Katy develops and executes strategies to solve complex problems using technology, with a focus on achieving product excellence. Currently, she is also developing Exponential Education, bringing 10x thinking and projects to K-12.

@KatyKasmai | linkedin.com/in/katykasmai